Meet Raquel
"I am a mom with 3 kids - 14 year old girl, 13 & 11 year old boys. I have lived here in the SCV since 1986 and have been buying and selling Real Estate since 1991. I am heavily involved in the community, owned my own businesses in the SCV, and love helping people achieve their Real Estate goals."
RAQUELMARCHANT Broker | CalBre# 01165332

Meet Kim
"I am a wife and mom of 3 kids ranging from age 11-15. I have lived in the Santa Clarita Valley since 1980 and lived in many of the local neighborhoods. I have owned my own business in SCV, worked on the PTA board, volunteered as a team mom and gave back in many other ways to this community for years. I am grateful for every opportunity I get to help people reach their Real Estate goals."
KIMBERLYTHURMAN Realtor | CalBre# 02014473